about this ramen: we always balked at the idea that a vegan 'tonkotsu'-style ramen could come close to matching the decadence of a proper, long-simmered pork bone soup, but this substitute blew our minds when we first tried it. this bowl comes with a healthy but gentle dose of our house rayu chilli oil and sunset powder spice blend- for a little kick and a hit of sesame. the name, sunset red, is a nod to keizo shimamoto’s legendary nyc shop ramen shack, which I was fortunate enough to visit in 2019 just before it closed.
Jay Rayner, The Observer: "the revelation is the vegan version of the tonkotsu that, given its analogue’s origins in the boiling of bones, sounds like a contradiction in terms. Here, though, is the richest of savoury broths, given its creamy, slightly sweet edge by the addition of oat “milk”. It’s topped with paving slabs of tofu that have first been marinated then deep fried to give a crisp shell. It’s a big old bowl of deep care and thoughtfulness."
contents: rich kombu + shiitake dashi with oat milk + shio tare; house rayu chilli oil w/ sunset powder; handmade thin hakata noodles; organic tofu chashu; kikurage mushrooms; + spring onion. seasoned ajitama egg not included but available seperately. view the images to see more.